What should I add/take away from my ToonTown Online Fan Site?
I'm looking to get a few people interested, and I'm going to be adding more activities later, but i'm curious what would be a good idea for now? Maybe layout-wise or content-wise.
Any help?ToonTown Online Fan Site Advice?
I liked your site very much. Both the content and the looks are quite good (I esp. liked Crazy Roxy in the Fan Art section :) )
The front page will be great with some changes -- it looks very plain now. You can show some icons for links to forums/announcements etc. Try the Gartoons icons (they're free):
Or you can divide this image into three parts and use the individual parts for links:
And hey, why isn't right clicking allowed? -- I know some websites use it so that people can't steal images, but it's considered a bad web-design practice. In reality, it doesn't prevent people from getting your images (for eg., I've link to the above image -- thumbs_takingback.jpg). See http://www.sitepoint.com/article/dont-di鈥?/a>
Also, take some tips from the official ToonTown website:
To popularize your site, you can have groups at sites like Yahoo! Groups etc., where you can provide a link to your site. You can also form a group at Yahoo! Flickr, the photo sharing site.
Also, if you want some great effects, you can use a JavaScript library like jQuery, Yahoo! UI, mootools or prototype.
For Screenshots/Fan Art, you can use the jQuery ThickBox or LiteBox:
Also have a look at other demos present at the jQuery Interface website:
I guess your site is the first ToonTown fans website ever. Wish you good luck with it!
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