Wednesday, November 23, 2011

I found out my boyfriend has been sending kisses to girls on his college dating site :( Advice please 10 point?

I'm 19, he's 26. I am an undergrad and he is a 2nd time grad student. Lately I have been suspicious of him. He has been coming home hours late, looked at himself in the mirror a bit too often, and last night he claimed he went to two bars and watched his friends play pool. I asked why 2 bars, and he said they were bored at the first one. He had a stamp on him that I couldn't read and another that said ';hotty.';

My boyfriend is 5'4';, a bit overweight, Chinese, with a baby face.

He is very kind and always told me he how he wants to marry me.

Pshhh...before classes I went on his laptop and under ';recent documents'; he had a document of his school dating site. It had his member name/password. I plugged it in and he has been a member for two years. We have been dating 1.5 years...and it appears he deletes his inbox or something, because he has girls visiting his site this month, and he sent kisses to 4 girls, six months into our relationship. :(

We attend different colleges and he is supposedly teaching section tonight (he has a TA job) so he won't be back until late. I feel so hurt...

What should I do? Please help. This is my first real relationship and to make matters worst I have no friends at my college (long story). :(

Please help. I'm begging. I love my boyfriend so much...I always give him sex/bjs/massages/cook him dinner/compliment him...I'm pretty with a great bod and I love anime/videogames/sports/art/guitar...I don't understand :(

Thanks.I found out my boyfriend has been sending kisses to girls on his college dating site :( Advice please 10 point?
What does he do for you?

Disregard your feelings of love, and follow your head.I found out my boyfriend has been sending kisses to girls on his college dating site :( Advice please 10 point?
If you have that much reason to suspicion the things he's doing, then why don't you follow him one night and see where he goes? It will either prove that he is cheating or make you feel bad for doubting him.

Put in like 30 alarm clocks well-hidden in his room.

Set the first one to ring at about 3:01 AM.

Set the second one to ring at 3:02 AM.


Put a note on the last one saying it's all over.
I know how to handle this in a good way. Make a profile on his site, LOL.
You good looking sweetheart?
u should leave him ,there has to b a guy out there tht would treat u with more respect good luck
Don't even think about it.

Maybe he just can't handle a relationship. Time to break up.
say you know about the site.
dump him.
i didnt even need to read your story to know you should dump him asap.
dump him!
talk to him and besides its just an internet
First of all you have your answer, you know that he's cheating on you. Every woman knows when a man is cheating on her. Second, never live with a guy before marriage, he will drag his feet on marrying you because he is already getting everything he wants from you. Third, this guy is a jerk, he is just holding on to you while he looks for morem women. He is not going to marry you. You can do better.

Dump him and hold on to the goods better next time.
Get rid of him!! trust me im 22 and ive wasted too many years with people like him i met a guy like that at 19 and he played me up until a month ago...i wish i could go back i realized ive spent the past 3 years feeling upset, hurt, betrayed, and never good enough almost cant get that time back....these are supposed to be the best years of your life. i dont have any friends at my school either and im new to the area...its hard but get rid of him
Some guys don't know what good they have till it's gone.

It sounds like you need to dump him. Or atleast talk to him about it, or like I saw some other people saying, follow him and see where he goes.

It does sound like he's up to something not good.

And even if you are super pretty and love all those things. Doesn't automatically mean the person will love you. People love people for different things. But he did say he wants to marry you. Maybe he's confused right now and that's why you need to talk to him about it. Or he's just playing you and you need to end it.
perhaps he started this thing before he met you and just hasn't been able to drop it but means nothing serious in it all.... you are understandably concerned and various aspects of his behaviour are making you concerned further... i thin kbest option is to sit him down and talk to him about it. let him know what you are thinking and let him explain himself.

if he is doing something wrong, he might stop when he realises the hurt he is causing. on the other hand, there might be an innocent explanation for it al.

good luck
If you really love him, Don't DUMP him like all these people are saying.. You need to ASK him about it.. Tell him you have been having suspicions.. so you know it wasn't right for you to get into his personal things,but you obviously had a reason to. (it always used to work for me.haha) Even if he gets mad about that, he'll get over it.. If you don't like things being done behind your back, you should just open up to him about it..%26amp; let him know how you feel. That you are hurt, You love him.. %26amp; you want it to work. Ask him to delete the account, and if he really truly loves you, start showing that he wants to be with you %26amp; ONLY you.

Good luck girl. Relationships are TOUGH work! but don't just give up.
I dont think you should break up with him...I know it hurts when someone you love do such a thing....I guess the best thing to do would be to just let him know that you really do love him and that you are upset as to why he did that...very honestly...this thing happens ...i mean my gf didnt find it out but i really dont mean anything much if i do things in the net.......

Take care!

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